Almost one year ago the UNC IM&T department implemented another method to gather Course Evaluations. EvaluationKIT is an exciting, online method of capturing Course Evaluation responses that is also easier on our environment. Did you know that each year, the colleges and departments of UNC purchase and use approximately 60,000 forms? That’s a lot of paper. Not to mention, someone has to take all of those 60,000 forms and get them scanned… labor intensive and bad for the environment.
A few years ago, the Center for Teaching and Learning (CETL) responded to faculty requests and put together a pilot using EvaluationKIT. The pilot proved to be successful and compatible with Banner and Blackboard. Extended Studies, CETL and IM&T are hoping that colleges and departments will voluntarily adopt the use of this new technology.
Colleges and departments who voluntarily use EvaluationKIT will have a lot of benefits. They will no longer have to pay for the OMR forms (bubble sheets), they will receive technical support and pedagogical evaluation assistance by request, they will be assured that only one evaluation will be accepted per enrolled student per course, they will be able to manage their own survey and get direct access to their college and department results only, and also be able to provide their students with a common experience. If you are having trouble with students filling out evaluations, you might want to think about offering extra points for them if they do it online, or book a lab during the last week of class and require students to fill them out while there.
If you would like to use EvaluationKIT or you need help using EvaluationKIT, please call the Technical Support Center at (970)351-4357(HELP).
An exploratory factor analysis could be interesting.