Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Improvements in the New Version of Grader!

There is a new version of Grader that will be piloted soon. A few new features are available in this new version. The first new feature is called single sign on functionality; which means that once you have signed into Ursa, you do not need to sign in again to Grader; simply click the Grader tab to gain access. Another feature includes being able to look at previous semesters of Grader materials as they accumulate; you will be able to look at the four most recent semesters. The upgrade also advances the help that you receive when you are in the Grader application; help documentation is integrated into the application to better assist you with questions you may have. Finally, navigating the Grader tab has never been easier; many steps have been taken so that this upgrade delivers an improvement in finding what you need in Grader! If you are interested in being a member of the pilot group and helping determine the go-live date for the new version of Grader, please contact Bret Naber, the director of Applications Development and Database Support, at Bret.naber@unco.edu.

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